State Senate Candidate Shane Reeves Launches TV Commercial Ahead of January Special Election

State Senate hopeful Shane Reeves announced Friday he will air a new, 30-second TV advertisement to promote his campaign to replace former State Senator Jim Tracy (R-Shelbyville), who resigned in November to join the Trump Administration at the USDA.

In a statement, the Reeves campaign said the commercial will air during the NCAA bowl games, plus the playoff and national championship games next week. The ad buy also includes airtime beginning next week on popular cable channels, such as FOX News, HGTV, and others.

Reeves is well-known in Middle Tennessee as the former owner of the Reeves-Sain Family of Medical Services. He sold his majority interest in the company to Fred’s in 2015, and currently owns TwelveStone Health Partners where he employs 125 people in Rutherford County.

Reeves and former state Representative Joe Carr are both vying for the Republican nomination for the 14th State Senate District seat, which will be decided in a special primary election January 25.

The general election will be held in March.

Tennessee Star readers can get a look at the commercial here:


ANNOUNCER: Conservative Republican Shane Reeves …

SHANE REEVES: “I’m a conservative family man, businessman, and pharmacist. I am not a career politician.”

ANNOUNCER:Like President Trump, Shane Reeves, will fight the establishment.

REEVES: “I will cut taxes and wasteful government spending while keeping our budget balanced and defending Tennessee values.”

ANNOUNCER: Conservative Shane Reeves, he’s a pro-life businessman who’s not a politician.

REEVES: “I’m Shane Reeves and I will fight for the Trump agenda in Tennessee.”

ANNOUNCER: On January 25th vote conservative businessman Shane Reeves for State Senate.






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2 Thoughts to “State Senate Candidate Shane Reeves Launches TV Commercial Ahead of January Special Election”

  1. Susan E Gingrich

    No political novice with a business background and money can replicate Donald Trump’s success. Nor, do they have the political knowledge or expertise needed to be successful. One running for TN governor does not have conservative positions on some issues and can’t answer some fairly significant questions. At least Donald Trump followed politics his entire life, and he knows a great deal about it, patriotism and history. I’m also very tired of so many running for office, especially incumbents, claiming to be conservative when their records and failures to boldly act as conservatives speak otherwise. Too many CINOs in office already (Conservatives in Name Only). This candidate may turn out to be a great conservative leader-I hope so. I always have hope!

  2. Stuart I. Anderson

    Well, that’s four times he uses the word “conservative” in a 30 second add which I believe is a higher concentration than the six times in his 60 second radio add. Apparently the political consultant Shane has hired for this race has advised him that having no political record whatsoever is not such a good thing when running against a proven conservative stalwart like Joe Carr at a time when Republicans have had all they can stomach of candidates coming out of nowhere with a lot of money using the word “conservative” robotically during elections but governing like a tepid conservative/centrist once elected.
    Conservatives in District 14, please put proven conservative Joe Carr back in the legislature on Jan 25th.
